Be sure everything is as it seems


You Are Our Partner. While Western Union works hard to help prevent fraud, we believe that fraud prevention is everyone’s responsibility.
Your best defense is to be aware, educate yourself and use good judgment with our informative tips.
Don’t fall victim: Learn how to spot the warning signs of a scam or scammer before it’s too late.

Fraud alerts

Relationship Scam

Scammers contact their victims online and gain their trust by building fake relationships. After they have established trust, scammers ask their victims for money for various travel expenses, fees or other emergency expenses. If you’ll be looking for love online, remain alert for signs that the other party in your relationship may not be who they say they are. Remember, you should never send money to someone you have not met in person.

Telstra and Australian Taxation Office Impersonators

Scammers are sending hoax emails and calling individuals impersonating Telstra or the Australian Taxation Office saying an outstanding debt is owed. They attempt to trick consumers into providing personal information and account or payment details. Callers may advise that your computer has a virus and convince you to give them remote access, or claim they need assistance in catching a hacker who has accessed your bank account.

Internet Purchase Scam

Scammers use websites or online classifieds to advertise items, such as mobile phones, event tickets and cars, that don’t exist. Be careful when sending money in response to an online advertisement.

Protect yourself from fraud

  • Unsolicited, generically addressed and poorly written email containing links or attachments.
  • Requests for your passwords, account details or any personal information.
  • Calls seeking financial details to process a refund or to immediately pay a bill using a gift or pre-paid card or a money transfer.
  • Unsolicited calls for a service or technical matter. Legitimate businesses and organisations don’t initiate communication unless you contact them first.

Think you’ve been scammed?

Report it. You can help us and, in the process, help others from getting scammed in the future.

Call our Fraud Hotline at
1800 023 324

File a fraud claim
Report to authorities

Forward the suspect email –do not cut and paste the contents, because valuable tracking information about the source will be lost.

Fraud types

Protect Yourself—fraud comes in all shapes and sizes

Learn more about the tricks fraudsters use to lure in victims.

Test your fraud knowledge now

Smart people fall for scams every day. Test your knowledge of money transfer fraud and learn how to protect yourself.


Western Union is helping to protect consumers from falling victim to money transfer scams through education and awareness.

Follow our alerts and updates

Knowledge can protect you

You work hard for your money and you want a company you can rely on when it comes to sending your money to friends and family. That’s why we want to help you protect yourself from fraud.


Resource Center

Stand Guard—spot the warning signs of a scam before it’s too late, with tips, brochures, and other useful information.
Be resourceful, get educated and stop fraud
Keep informed and stay protected. The more information you have, the better you can shield yourself against criminals. Report fraud, stay updated on the latest scams, and learn how to detect con artists with these additional resources.